Third encounter with Kincardine, News, Bantam Girls LL, 2014-2015 (Walkerton Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 29, 2014 | sbaynham | 642 views
Third encounter with Kincardine
And it was a late evening mid week game for the girls in Kincardine. The last game against Kincardine showed an improvement against them and it was hoped that tonight could show a positive outcome. However this was not meant to be and the game ended with a 4-1 loss.

Megan got the first shot on net but this was stopped by the Kincardine goalie. Kincardine followed with a penalty but Walkerton were unable to convert this to a goal. Kincardine scored to end the first period 1-0. Period two continued the same with a lot of defensive play by the Walkerton team. Keely even managed to stop a goal by lying on the puck. Kincardine managed to score again at 8.24 but it wasn’t until 3.02 that Sydney B managed to get Walkerton on the scoreboard with an unassisted goal.  Period three saw the girls come out with determination (obviously the coaches chat had them all fired up) and we saw lots more aggression and clear passing between the girls. Keely made a great save and paid  for this by being hit by the Kincardine team after the whistle was blown. We saw good shots on the net by Megan after a great pass from Maddie and a run by Emily which resulted in a shot on net but no one was able to maximize the rebound. A bad bounce of the puck resulted in another goal from Kincardine right over Keely’s glove. The final couple of minutes of the game saw a surprise shot from the blue line which gave Kincardine their fourth and final goal of the game. The game ended with a shot on the Kincardine net but Sydney K just as the buzzer sounded.